Contactinformatie OMC Turnhout

Will your company soon be part of the Open Manufacturing Campus/Community too?

Contact us for more info, with no obligation.
We will be happy to work out a proposal to suit you!

Phone +32 (0) 14 40 12 60 or complete the form below.

    Interested in Campus
    Interested in Community


    Adres en ligging

    • Slachthuisstraat 96
    • 2300 Turnhout (BelgiĆ«)
    • Tel. : +32 (0) 14 40 12 60

    Open Manufacturing Campus (OMC)
    Geert Krekel, Business Development Manager OMC vzw

    Within the Eindhoven-Leuven-Aachen high tech triangle (ELAt), halfway between Antwerp and Eindhoven.
    500 metres from the Turnhout-West exit on the E34 motorway.
    GPS: Slachthuisstraat 25, 2300 Turnhout (= far side)